Tuesday, April 07, 2009

throwbacks...and it went a lil something like this

HIM: hey
ME: hey
HIM: hows it going tosh
ME: fine
HIM: yeah me too
HIM: sup with stat messages?
ME: ?
HIM: lol i read them sometimes
HIM: and sometimes i wanna ask
HIM: but i dont
HIM: scared
ME: then I have no idea which ones ur talking about
HIM: ok ok
HIM: so one of these days ima jus hit u up
HIM: but how you been seriously?
HIM: like what you been up to
ME: fine bout to eat tho brb
HIM: ok i will be here
HIM: waiting
ME: back
HIM: :-)
HIM: good lunch?

ME: dinner
HIM: dinner
ME: yup
HIM: well thats cool i guess,
ME: it is 830
HIM: well i guess i speak to you some other time.
ME: ok
HIM: yeah i no
HIM: how do you feel about me?
ME: i don't kno
ME: its wierd. I feel wierd
ME: i don't know why
HIM: yeah
HIM: me too.
ME: i guess cuz I liked u but u cud never bring urself to trust me
HIM: yeah
ME: why do you still talk to me. how do you feel about me?
HIM: aww man, are you really gonna ask
HIM: ...
ME: yea
HIM: i still think you're one of the dopest chicks i ever met
HIM: if not, then the dopest
ME: why?
HIM: what? i always thought that
ME: but why?
HIM: wtf?
HIM: because you are.
HIM: like
HIM: you look at life at a cool perspective
HIM: much different from alotta chicks
HIM: and you had a cool persona
ME: lol ok

it was weird. as it always is.
but he still hits me up every now and again.
i appreciate it because i get lonely sometimes.
need my worth to be reiterated sometimes.
and he does that...........................................................................genuinely.
i hope.

in a place of solitude right now.
in a place of contemplation right now.

and it feels good.
to know.

1 comment:

Militankerous said...

This was beautifully honest. and you my sister, are awesome. don't let these knuckleheads get you down. there's is much to be learned about yourself in the silence of other's inability to let themselves be vulnerable. believe you me. keep doing ya thing.